
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I asked some of our closest friends and family members to make predictions about when you'd be born and how much you'd weigh when you make your appearance into the world. At the last appointment last Thursday when I was 38 weeks and 2 days, Dr. Wai made a plan to induce labor and force your arrival on May 6th if I didn't go into labor on my own. I shared that knowledge and these are the predictions we received.
You are due to arrive in 8 days or less, but I think this video is proof that you're as ready to meet us as we are to meet you!
Love you more...

Mobility Credit Union Shower

Dad's work even hosted a shower for you. It took place on Friday, April 25, 2014. We were only two weeks away from meeting you at that point and I remember being so miserable and tired while getting dressed to attend this shower. My feet were swollen like bricks and my back felt like it was breaking. But this shower was just as beautiful as all of the others - so much love for you. The pictures below showcase a couple of my favorites from this shower. I can't wait to dress you in that sassy animal print ensemble and wrap you up in the beautifully knitted blanket made especially for you.
A couple of days after this shower, we went to get your dad's "push present". Buying the mom of a baby a "push present" is a big trend these days. Typically the dad buys the mom a present for all of her hard work and labor bringing the baby into the world, but because your daddy has been nothing short of amazing during my pregnancy, I thought it was only fair he get a gift too. He wanted a new fitness watch. My push present is a huge bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume - I love it!
Love you more...

Town Center Class Shower

My sweet fifth grade class hosted a shower in your honor on Thursday, April 24, 2014. Two of my students, Kayleigh Cornish and Presley Turner's moms, Lisa and Melanie, organized the shower, provided the decorations and food (more donuts)! It was a beautiful shower. It took place in the library at Town Center. 
One of my favorite parts of this shower were the special gifts my kids gave. Each of my students gave you a copy of their favorite book from when they were babies and wrote you a special note inside of it. This class will always be so special to me - I have had them for two years and they were my "babies" before you existed.  
We had fun eating pink donuts on skewers and drinking orange juice. All of my kids are so excited to meet you!
Some of the gifts you received at this shower included the books, precious outfits, another beautiful personalized blanket and gift cards that daddy and I will use to buy your diapers. 
The picture above is the title page from a book my other class made me. The book includes advice about parenting you. Here are some of my favorites:
  • "Be a great mom, just like you're a great teacher. Never give up on her!" -Reilley
  • "Don't expose her to the world of shopping." -Zak
  • "Do not burp Brier. Babies hate being burped. Instead, lay her down on a cloth and pat her lightly on the back." -Sage
  • "A bit of advice is to never give Brier candy before she goes to bed" -Kinjal
  • "Don't spoil her." -Brandon
Love you more...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Love, Brooke & Brier

I want to write something special to your dad. It is something that I hope expresses immense appreciation and gratitude for everything he is to us. I hope you will always remember everything that is written in this post every day of your life and if times ever get difficult in our lives.  

By the time you are able to read this, you will be keenly aware of your dad's limitless capacity to love and pamper you. Since the moment he was made aware of your existence, he has beamed with a pride that is impossible to contain. You are his most prized treasure. When he talks about you, I often wonder if his (already) giant smile is going to surpass the boundaries of his face. 

He has pampered you since the day you were conceived through pampering me. The last few weeks (I am 37 weeks today) have been incredibly difficult for me and have taken a toll on my body and my emotions. Your dad has taken over every responsibility in the house - laundry, cleaning, cooking, and yard work. He does this all while completing his Master's degree and working 40+ hours per week. Your dad comes home every night and cooks a homemade meal, serves it to us, collects my dishes and then usually makes me a milkshake (without me even asking). Then, on many nights, he rubs my feet and back and helps me do stretches. Finally, he tucks me into bed - a task that requires him to place 7 pillows in very specific places to optimize my comfort. He even helps me get on and off the couch so I don't strain my back. He does all of this without complaining - in fact, he does it without me even asking because he knows it's what both of us need to be happy, healthy and fulfilled. 

He constantly seeks any opportunity to be of service to us or to make life easier and more enjoyable. He doesn't just fulfill our needs when we ask for something, he anticipates them and prepares to meet them before we even ask. 

He is also sensitive to our emotions. He loves you and me with an intensity that is indescribable. I am not the easiest person to please lately because I am irrational at times (thanks to my hormones) and I'm stubborn always. If your disposition is anything like mine, your daddy will have his hands full. I know he doesn't know your feelings yet, but he will; and he will know you better than anyone else because he will invest the time to understand what makes you happiest, what makes you sad and how to make you feel beautiful and cared about at all times. 

Your dad will be your protector. He will be your best friend. He will teach you new things. He will make you laugh. He will be your biggest fan. He will make your anxiety and worries disappear with his confidence and leadership. He will keep your secrets. He will fix anything you need fixing. He will give you the best hugs and kisses. He will value you. He will convince you that you are the most beautiful girl in the world. He will give everything he has to you. He will listen to you. He won't raise his voice to you. He will never give up on you. He will make you feel like the most important person in his life. He will love you like no one else will ever be able to. 

I know this because he is all of those things and more to me. 

My prayer is that you find someone who completes you as fully as your dad completes me. 
We love you, Jay (Dad)

Brooke & Brier

Love you more...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Poppy Kirk & Neena

Your Neena and Poppy Kirk are very important to your mother and I. Over the years I have grown to truly appreciate everything they have done for me over the course of my life. 

Your Poppy Kirk is my stepfather. Some of my fondest memories of us are waking up early on the weekends, when I lived with Neena and Poppy Kirk, and going fishing. When you’re out on the lake doing things you love, with people you love it makes all worries disappear. Poppy Kirk has never treated me as anything less than his oldest son and I truly appreciate him for that.
This is a photo taken right before your Poppy Kirk and I went to a Cowboys game at Texas Stadium. It is the first and only time I have seen the Cowboys play in person.  Whenever we spend time together we always talk about sports.

Your Neena is my mother. She is easily the most loving, caring person I have ever met. She will shower you with love. Every time I walk through her door she wants to hug and love on me and because I’m a guy I am obligated to act like I don’t like it. I do though. I love to feel how much she loves me. Everything emotional and caring in me comes from her.
I have countless memories of your Neena and I, but a few come to mind whenever I think of her. I will never forget our time spent in Panama while Poppy Kirk was deployed there during his time in the Army. Driving to the beach in our old beat up van singing Jimmy Buffet’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise” is something I will never forget. More recently, Neena, Poppy Kirk, Uncle Hayden and I went on a hunting trip together. Spending time in the deer blind with Neena just talking and giggling together is something I will never forget. This picture is from that trip.
Much like you will always be Mommy and Daddy’s little girl, Neena says I will always be her little boy.  She will never stop caring and loving you, your mother and I. 

I cannot wait for you to get here and build memories of your own with Neena and Poppy Kirk. I cannot wait for you to feel their undeniable love. Hurry up and get here.

