
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Your Third Month

You are now three months old. Time is flying. You change, grow, and get more beautiful and sweeter everyday. Just when I think I can't love you more than I do at that moment, the next second is upon me and and my love becomes even stronger.

I can't wait for the morning to come each day. When I hear your first cries in the monitor, I all but sprint to go see you. You like to sleep on your tummy, like me. I love to roll you over on your back and wait only a matter of seconds until your sleepy eyes open and your incessant smiling begins. You like to wake up slowly. You coo and smile while I rub your belly for a good five minutes or so before I pick you up to get you ready for the day. You're always well rested and so are daddy and me for the most part because you have been going to bed around 8:00P and waking up around 5:00A to eat 4 ounces and back to bed until about 9:00A. 

My absolute favorite thing about this third month has been the beginning of your intentional smiles and sounds. You can tell that you smile because you're genuinely happy, excited, pleased or tickled and you have the most adorable sounds to accompany the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. You love to be talked to and have our undivided attention.
This month you started grabbing and holding things. You have discovered your hands and LOVE to put them in your mouth. You love to have your hands in your mouth so much that sometimes you gag yourself with them, so we have to watch you very carefully. Your favorite things to grab are Bugs, your crackle paper and your rubber giraffe, Sophie
You also loved to grab my hair, so I cut it so it wouldn't be so easy for you to get a hold of.  
You love to play your piano, too! You're a Mozart in the making! I love to watch your tiny toes make pretty sounds when you tickle those ivory keys. 

One sad thing happened this month. You got your first set of shots from Dr. Leung. You have to have a set of shots to keep you healthy when you're 8 weeks old. I made the appointment and dreaded it for days. When we went, you were happy-go-lucky as usual. The nurse measured your height and weight. You were 24 inches long and 12 pounds 4.6 ounces. "Perfect" she said. Then, Dr. Leung checked your eyes, ears, and listened to your heartbeat. He made you smile and that made me happy. Finally, it was time for your shots. You got three. You cried so loudly and it broke my heart. You had your first real tears that day. I brought you home, gave you some Tylenol and snuggled the rest of the day. Here's a picture before shots...

...and here's after.
On a happier note, I started your tea cup collection. Gigi found this beautiful cup at an antique store in Granbury and she also got you a beautiful tea kettle. We can't wait to have tea parties complete with dainty cookies, pretty music and dress up clothes!
Some constants that continually provide you with happiness are the times we spend at coffee shops with friends, listening to music, reading books and sitting on daddy's lap. You spent more time with your friend Sloan and Aunt Jenny at the coffeehouse, I introduced you to Billie Holiday's beautiful voice and you love any book!
You got your first "old lady" headbands this month. You're so adorable! 
You made your great grandpa Barad (& everyone else you encounter) smile his most beautiful smile.
We had several fun dinner dates with Daddy.
And you continue to melt our hearts every second of every day.
Love you more...

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